Robert A. Shumway, MD, FACS, FAACS
Shumway Cosmetic Surgery, San Diego, CA
Dr. Shumway of La Jolla is a Diplomate of SIX Medical/Surgical Boards (ABCS, ABFPRS, ABOto, ABFCS, ABLS, BHRT) and your 2016-2017 AACS Past-President. He is currently an Officer & Trustee of the AACS & ABCS, Past-President of the CACS & ASCBS, Past-Chairman of the ASLS & Past-Board of Trustee/Officer of the CACS Foundation. Dr. Shumway is a Fellow of ASLMS, ACS, AAFPRS, ASCBS, AACS, AAO-HNS. He is a Cosmetic Surgery Member of the AMA, WorldLink BHRT, CSFPS, CMA, CACS & AACS Shumway Cosmetic Surgery Fellowship Director at Scripps Memorial Hospital-La Jolla. Dr. Shumway is the Director & Founder of Shumway Cosmetic Surgery of La Jolla which maintains AACS approval for our General AACS & Facial AACS Cosmetic Surgery Fellowships. Dr. Shumway often lectures internationally regarding many different topics in Cosmetic Surgery: He is Factulty for the Mexican Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, the Korean Academy of Aesthetic Surgery, World Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (WAOCS), the ASLMS, the ASCBS, the ASLS & the AAFPRS. Over the years, Dr. Shumway is published in many Cosmetic Surgery textbooks, journals & articles. He is widely known as Dr. IRONMAN for his health & passion regarding his global 140.6 mile IRONMAN Triathlon competitions! Dr. IRONMAN also enjoys the 70.3 mile IRONMAN Triathlons and Spartan events.
Take Home Message
The audience will appreciate the fine art of reconstructing the nasal mid-vault which requires appropriate use of osteotomies, spreader grafts and nasal reduction techniques. This is a "HOW TO" perform reliable and reproducible aesthetic results. This retrospective study is a single institutional review of effective nasal reconstruction for cosmetic and functional purposes.