The Cosmetic Surgical Center of El Cerrito, CA
Gabriel Patino, MD is the second surgeon in the world to insert silicone implants via the navel and the first one to insert them manually without an endoscope or instruments in 2020. He was the first surgeon to perform a TransUmbilical breast Augmentation under Tumescent Anesthesia and oral sedation in 2004. He has been teaching the Trans Abdominal Silicone Breast Augmentation since 2014. He has been teaching the Trans umbilical Breast Augmentation with Saline implants since 2014. He has been a speaker at multiple yearly meetings. He is the CACS & ASOCP TUBA program director. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery & Affiliated Fellowship Program Faculty Member, Fellow of the California Academy of Cosmetic Surgery & Board of Trustees Member. Fellow of the American Society of Cosmetic Physicians, Fellow of the American Society of Cosmetic Breast Surgery, World Association of Gluteal Surgeons CEO.
Objective: I would like to present a NEW surgical technique for the insertion of SILICONE breast implants through the umbilicus
Technique: During this presentation I am planning to give a step-by-step description and show video of how I do this procedure so that it can be reproduced. Dr. Jacob Haiavy has already performed and reproduced this procedure with great success using my exact technique.
I use the transumbilical instruments to make a tunnel from the umbilicus to the subpectoral pocket. Subglandular placement is also possible using this approach. Once the pocket dimensions are completed, the pre filled SILICONE implants can be inserted with a mammary implanter (Patino implanter) or manually.
Application: I love combining an abdominoplasty with a breast augmentation in selected patients because the operation can be done safely and does not significantly increase the operating room time. Both procedures can be done under tumescent and General Anesthesia. Silicone or Saline implants can be used.
Results: This technique is very comfortable for the patient, provides faster recovery, excellent results and significantly decreases the risks and complications.
Take Home Message
With my technique prefilled silicone implants can now be inserted using the Transumbilical approach manually, without an endoscope and without instruments.