Mohsen Ghoreishi
The Kohan Group, Inc., San Francisco, CA
Mohsen Ghoreishi is the founder and President of The KOHAN Group, Inc. An architectural firm located in San Francisco California since 2002. Mohsen comes with 25 years of experience designing and working with healthcare facilities, specifically hospitals and private Surgery Centers. Mohsen created the “architects for aesthetic medicine” team at KOHAN architecture which designs and builds the next generation of surgery centers and medical facilities. You can reach Mohsen via e-mail at [email protected]. Please find more information on The Kohan Group “KOHAN” online at www.kohaninc.com.
This course will provide participants with evidence base numbers and analysis presenting important information and steps to overall physical environment layout, a road map to the juxtaposition of spaces and clinical services provided, volumetric essence and the feeling desired, coupled with the importance of clinical skills, integration of streamlined operations and its impact which can make or break financial stability and growth of the practice. Although it may not be customary to think an architecturally designed physical environment can transform any practice revenue as much as the ability and competency of one's clinical skills; however, it is proven by real examples, practice growth and financial improvement are directly related to architecturally well-designed spaces.
Take Home Message
The clear purpose is to present by way of evidence base case study, the importance of both architecturally well-designed practice and the providers Clinical Skills, which are equally important tools to enhance the patient experience, business growth, and prosperity.