Erik J. Nuveen, MD, DMD, FAACS
Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates, Oklahoma City, OK
Dr. Nuveen has performed exclusively cosmetic surgery his entire 19-year career. He has been a member of the AACS since 2000. He has performed more than 19,000 major surgeries and written 21 first author articles and 9 textbook chapters on all aspects of cosmetic surgery. He is director of fellowship and has trained more than 15 fellows. His practice is located in Oklahoma City and treats patients from throughout the world.
Massive weight loss results in extremes of facial ptosis, atrophy and laxity. We review the available literature and our 32-case experience in addressing the most common differences in management of facial restoration of the massive weight loss patient vs. routine aging faces. Techniques that have resulted in the most long-lasting outcomes will be reviewed and emphasized in this presentation for advanced and experienced facial surgeons.
Take Home Message
Massive weight loss patients are not simple aging face patients. They have unique characteristics that must be addressed with specialized techniques in order to reduce revision rates and improve long term patient satisfaction.