Joshua R. Scurlock, MD
Avana Plastic Surgery / Miami Sleeve Center, Miami, FL
Dr. Joshua Scurlock is a cosmetic and bariatric surgeon practicing in Miami, Florida. He completed his general/bariatric surgery training at the University of Massachusetts. He then completed his cosmetic surgery fellowship through the AACS under Dr. Jacob Haiavy and Dr. Irene Tower in Southern California. He is board certified by the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery as well as the American Board of Surgery.
In cosmetic breast surgery, Baker II, III and IV capsular contracture represents an ongoing problem for patients and surgeons alike. Many different therapies have been proposed. In reviewing the literature, it’s apparent that the current treatment modalities ultimately culminate in reoperation. Unfortunately, patients undergoing surgical intervention for capsular contracture have a significantly increased risk of recurrence. The objective of this paper is to introduce the minimally invasive therapy we found most efficacious in the treatment and prevention of capsular contracture. We examined our regimen in two primary groups of patients. Principally, our protocol was instituted as treatment for newly diagnosed capsular contracture. Secondarily, we used our regimen as prophylaxis after capsulectomy and re-augmentation. Our goal is to shift the currently accepted paradigm away from the surgery first approach.
Take Home Message
Capsular contracture can be successfully treated with a medical first approach as opposed to reoperation.