Albert E. Carlotti, MD
The Carlotti Center, Scottsdale, AZ
Dr. Albert Carlotti has been a Fellow of the AACS since 2004. He practices full scope Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery of the Face & Body in both Scottsdale, AZ and Austin, TX. Dr. Carlotti has presented numerous times to the AACS over the last 16 years and is Past President of the Cosmetic Surgery Foundation.
The 4-Dimensional Facelift was first presented to the AACS by Dr. Stephen Watson in 2001. The concept in working from skeleton to skin meant performing facial rejuvenation in multiple planes and vectors starting in the subperiosteal plane. Facial augmentation with implants was an imperfect princess in the early years of facial contouring as asymmetry was impossible to exactly correct with stock-sized silicone implants and the amount of augmentation was limited. The advent of custom 3D facial implants now permits the surgeon to precisely augment and change the skeleton to eliminate asymmetry and develop contours favorable to patient preference and to properly support soft tissue with aging. Combining Custom 3D silicone implants with the 4-Dimensional facelifting techniques has now revolutionized the ability of the surgeon to achieve superior results. In this prevention, the diagnoses and design of the custom implants will be presented in combination with the proper sequencing in placement with total facial rejuvenation surgery.
Take Home Message
The audience will learn about the tremendous advantages of combining 3D custom facial implants in combination with total facial rejuvenation, especially with enhancing the jawline and chin.